A young Texan driver has crashed his black Chevrolet Camaro
ZL1 into a local community swimming pool after losing control of the potent
muscle car.
According to those who witnessed the crash, the man behind
the wheel was driving too fast. A friend of the driver, Ashton Brantley said,
“I was driving right behind him the whole time. He lost control, and I think he
took his traction control off. And then he just hit the curb, and then went
into the fence, and then he hit the pool.”
The awesome blacked out near $60,000 was understandably
destroyed by its little swim and will inevitably be deemed a write off by his
The driver may be ticketed for speeding and could face fines
for the damage caused to the pool and its fence
source: http://www.gtspirit.com/2014/04/08/texan-driver-crashes-chevrolet-camaro-zl1-into-swimming-pool/
by Brad Anderson
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